Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chilled Out

2 May 2012
7:43 PM

Sunrise at5:12 AMin direction48°NortheastNortheast
Sunset at10:26 PMin direction312°NorthwestNorthwest
Duration of day: 17 hours, 14 minutes (7 minutes longer than yesterday)

Well, our predictions about early leaf out have been stymied by the wisdom of the trees.  The buds have not progressed much beyond where they were when I proclaimed that I saw a patch of aspen greening.  I say wisdom because it dropped below freezing and even sputtered snowy mist on campus and around the area yesterday.  

The sun shone today, but I felt little warmth out of it when I walked.  So, we are still looking at fuzzy tops of trees - even more fuzzy than last week, but not green.  Patches of grass where water has drained on campus are very green, although patches that receive the same amount of sun, but less standing moisture are the same dry patches from over winter.  Yet, along one hillside on campus, I saw many wisps of grass, like a newly seeded lawn.  

We are already befuddled by the increase in light.  I have been working 4, 10 hour days so I can take Friday off.  When I get home, I have obligations and get right to them, but with the decreased time at home and the deceptively light evening, time flies by before I know it.  Yesterday, when I sat down at my laptop, ready to blog, I looked at the time on my laptop's display and it was 11:30 PM.  When I posted, it would have already posted as today's date since it seems to post on Google time instead of mine.  Needing to rest so I could get up early for work tomorrow, I let it go.  

My dad is having an even harder time.  He has vowed to watch the clock today and get to bed early.  He said he sat there enjoying himself and suddenly it was time for the 11 o'clock news.  It's fun to watch him adjust to our life here. 

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