Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Annual Chena River, Red Green Regatta

22 July 2012
2:55 PM

Sunrise at4:18 AMin direction33°North-northeastNorth-northeast
Sunset at11:34 PMin direction327°North-northwestNorth-northwest

The man himself
Gary and I went down and joined the crowds watching the Red-Green Regatta on the Chena River today.  Silliness, clever floats, good cheer, happy participants, and happy spectators celebrated the wonder of our short (by Alaskan standards), but well-loved river.  And we are fortunate to have the Red Green in attendance, since building these floats requires the use of copious amounts of duct tape.

The rain lifted and the temperature at the river was perfect.
Some floats had clearly defined themes.  Others were simply lashed together however and with whatever to make it down the river in one piece.  Water guns, spray hoses, buckets, paddles, and water ballons sailed between boats and spectators alike.  By the end of the water parade, I don't recall seeing anyone dry, except for the solitary man floating peacefully on his small antlered raft, standing and pushing along as if he were ski poling.

As with most things in the Interior, even though it was great turn out all along the river, it was not crowded.  If you get claustrophobic in crowds, come to Fairbanks.  The population and mood of the crowd is just right!  Hope you enjoy the slide show of some of the entries.

Red Green Regatta Slideshow

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