Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice in Fairbanks - III

21 June 2012
7:28 AM

Sunset at12:48 AMin direction345°North-northwestNorth-northwest
Sunrise at2:58 AMin direction15°North-northeastNorth-northeast
Civil twilight all day

Sunset to Sunrise .. and early morning
Just before Sunset - 6/21 12:47 AM 

I took photos at 12:48 AM, sunset from the day before on 6/20/2012, and then others until sunrise.  I feel asleep and missed the opportunity to take photos at 5:00 AM, but I did get early morning.  I also found two of my files on the camera were recordings which iPhoto won't load - which is probably a good thing since I didn't deliberately film anything and who knows what is there!

Darkest hour is around 1:50 AM - 6/21 1:32 AM
In the early morning photos, the light is somewhat brighter than what I was seeing, but not by much.  When I went out at 1:30, the sky overhead nearly glowed.  I felt certain if I could just fly up a little ways, like a bird, I would be bathed in sun light.

Just after sunrise - 6/21 3:00 AM
6/21 7:08 AM
6/21 7:08 AM

Just before sunrise, in the northeast a gold halo was forming, but the sun is blocked by hills in that direction.  

By 7:00 AM, the light looks much like elsewhere for that time of day.  The remaining photos are of early morning at our house.

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