Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Are Mosquitoes Like Some of the Rich?

12 June 2012
11:05 PM

Sunset at12:37 AMin direction343°North-northwestNorth-northwest
Sunrise at3:04 AMin direction17°North-northeast

Civil twilight all day

The little ladies have been very hungry lately, and also very, very greedy.  It is this unfortunate tendency toward greed that is their undoing, however.  They gather blood from one source, but don't feel it is enough and want more - just like a greedy banker.  So, they fly about aiming to take more.

This is where the analogy fails because those with great wealth who are so inclined, can always get more of our money than we want to give, but mosquitoes, when filled with blood become heavier.  As they become heavier, they need air currents to fly to their nesting ground.  But if they have lingered away from those currents in the hopes of more, they are burden by their weight and move slow.  When they move slow they are easy targets.

It is both satisfying and disgusting to swat a mosquito that has just made a meal of you, your spouse, one of your cats or one of your dogs.  Satisfaction comes from the knowledge that she will not lay her eggs.  Disgust follows seeing the blood of you, your spouse, one of your cats or or one of your dogs smeared upon the wall, the window, or you hand.

Still, Alaska in June is my favorite time of year - despite my ongoing war with the ladies.

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