Monday, June 4, 2012

Mold, Waking Up at 4:00 AM, and Hail!

4 June 2012
4:53 PM

Sunset at12:16 AMin direction339°North-northwestNorth-northwest
Sunrise at3:22 AMin direction21°North-northeastNorth-northeast

Civil Twilight all day

Chiming bells among Equisetum

As I left work, the sun was shining in the Tanana & Chena River Valley.  The temperature had been posting above 70F.  However, as the Grey Line bus driver and I headed out toward Farmer's Loop, we saw dark, forbidding clouds off to the northeast.  It reminded me of Tornado clouds in Colorado.  I stepped off the bus and listened to thunder in the distance as I stopped to take these photos. I walked home in the warm afternoon air.
A close up of Chiming bells

As I started to type, I heard the lightening coming closer, but did not think much about it until it started pelting hail.  For the second time this year, there is hail lying thickly upon our deck.  I quickly brought my hanging plants in.  The hail is not the size of baseballs, like some Colorado storms have produced, but big enough to do damage to young plants just forming roots to grow through summer and early fall.

The photo below is deceptive.  It appears to be bright and the foliage light in the forest on our lot, but there is full canopy and in truth, I was looking through a shimmering green veil across the equisetum and birch trees.

Through the trees in our lot

I don't know if it's that I wake up at 4 am every morning, just after "sunrise" or that the mold pollen count is HIGH (1055), but I could not stay awake this afternoon.  I yawned steadily for two hours and nodded off each time I rested my eyes.  I suspect the mold since folks with tree and shrub blooming allergies are better after the rain, but I am worse.  Can't be sure about that since I am not showing signs that most with allergies show, but typically I respond to any allergy by being sleeping instead of sneezing, coughing I get sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.

An afternoon nap is in order.  You will forgive me if I do no more than provide a few photos of my walk home?  

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