8:33 PM
Sunrise at | 8:46 AM | in direction | 109° | East-southeast | |
Sunset at | 6:26 PM | in direction | 250° | West-southwest |
It snowed today. In fact, it is still snowing. For Fairbanks that does not mean a huge accumulation of snow, probably no more than 2 to 3 inches, but the significance is that the temperature has not topped 30F in several days and we are not likely to see this snow melt. I say likely because the weather is, well, the weather and a certain degree of unpredictability goes with the territory. But snow is likely every day of the week and only one day next this week has a predicted high near 30F. So, having marched all those disclaimers out, it is likely that this is the foundation snow of the year.
The roads, as expected, require caution. Even though it didn't rain before the snow started, and the temperature never topped 27F, the roads are still slick due to the latent warmth lingering in the ground. A fine patina of slick was on the sidewalks and roads. But as the temperatures remain low, folks finally get their snow tires on, and the ground joins the air temperatures to become not just cold, but really cold, things improve.
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