Saturday, June 30, 2012

Too Much to Do and Not Enough Time or Money

29 June 2012
10:51 PM

Sunset at12:41 AMin direction343°North-northwestNorth-northwest
Sunrise at3:08 AMin direction17°North-northeastNorth-northeast

Civil Twilight all day

The list never ends, but the summer does.  We have, well mostly Gary has accomplished several tasks so far this summer.  He winterized the upstairs windows, which had not been done well in the first place.  The result is fabulous.  No cool air seeps around the edges of the window.  Today he built corner supports on the deck for potted plants.  They are up above the dogs and in stable locations.  I will, of course, cram as many pots in that little space as I can. 

I need the color, so I will take a trip down to the local neighborhood plant supplier.  She doesn't have a formal nursery, but her plants are hardy as she seeds them out of doors.  I will buy more soil, take pots that I already have and add more cheer to our deck. 

We still have several things to do, of course.  Gary has several other windows he needs to seal in the same way he did the upstairs windows.  We need to close off the under side of the deck with slatted panels so the dirt and insulated walls under it are not in view. Gary needs to cut up a spruce tree that cracked near the base and haul it to the boat parking area. There are several other trees that we need to fell this year.  Gary won't be able to do them alone, so we will only get as many cut as Jamie can help with.  Then, of course, there is putting the wood up for next winter. 

There are things we can't do on our own - complete the siding on the basement level of the house where we have retrofitted insulation and finish the drywall, taping and painting of the front living room wall as well as buy window coverings for them since the old ones will no longer fit.  All we need is more time and more money.

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